About me
Pantarei Chauffeur service ownerProfessional multilingual driver

My work in progress
About me? In my Whatsapp profile, as a sentence, I have included an aphorism by Mark Twain that says: “The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why”. A thought that I fully share and that often presents itself in my daily life. In recent years, different events have influenced my work experience. Reflecting on the various stages, I can say with certainty that all these experiences and events have completed a depiction that today represents me.
The most important phases
Pantarei Chauffeur service is the result of various work experiences that began in 1992. A large part of my experience as a Chauffeur service professional multilingual driver, I acquired it working for an important luxury car rental company based in Mestre – Venice mainland. 16 years of activity around Italy and, sometimes, all over Europe. The activity of a private Limousine driver meant spending more days with clients (couples, families, or small groups) who decided to visit Italy and required the rental of a luxury car with a professional driver for their travels.
Then there was a change, an event dictated by the need to slow down the pace and rediscover the taste of regular life. It was the office phase with fixed hours, 5 days a week, always in the car rental sector. A short break, but that has increased my baggage of experiences.
Disabled People Transportation
The work experience that has enriched me the most, from the emotional point of view, was the collaboration with a company based in Venice mainland specialized in transportation of people with reduced mobility (PRM). In addition to the professional requirements necessary for public transportation, it was necessary to have knowledge of the techniques of movement and relationship with the person transported. But what made me think more during this working period was the strength of mind with which the disabled person constantly faces up to the discomforts caused by his condition. A lack of infrastructures that allow a minimum quality of life, and the indifference we have for situations that do not touch us closely.
For contractual reasons, I, unfortunately, had to give up the experience of disabled transport by resuming the work as a professional limousine driver.
Travel agency
Another important work experience is the collaboration with Sensational Italy, the travel agency founded and directed by Arianna La Rosa. And it is precisely in this collaboration that my “Sightseeing in Italy” project is born. The goal is to offer a themed day excursion with professional drivers in Italy, representing the excellence of each region. A rather ambitious project, considering the Italian history and the peculiarities of each region. But with patience and dedication, I carry forward this challenge. Italy is a colorful country and in the face of globalization, the “Made in Italy” brand has its own and well recognizable identity.
Pantarei Chauffeur Service
A circle that closes … the work phase that joins the path begun in 1992.
I live in Mira (Venice mainland) and in 2016 the municipality draws up a notice for the assignment of 12 licenses for car rental with driver, called in jargon NCC (Noleggio Con Conducente). I obtained the assignment of one of the 12 licenses, and now I have the possibility to offer services as freelance and self-employed. Thanks to over twenty years of experience and the strategies acquired, I’m able to offer the best solution for any type of request regarding the car rental with driver, from the simple transfer to the business or tourism disposals. And as soon as possible I will try to guarantee the same services to people with reduced mobility.
Why Pantarei?
Because Pantarei is the right word to summarize the world around me, where everything flows … and it is constantly evolving.
And meanwhile, I understand a little more why I was born and what is my place in this world …
Daniel Tesfamikael – January 19th, 2018